Organization of the Documentation

The documentation is organized into three parts

The first part is centered around the technology innovations around Nesa:

  • Decentralized Inference: In this section, we outline the design of Nesa's decentralized inference framework, including how to split large AI models into small pieces for distributed inference.

  • Security and Privacy: In this section, we describe our security and privacy measures to protect user data and privacy. The key techniques include zero-knowledge proof ML, split learning, and more

  • Overview of $NES: To use Nesa for AI model inference, rollup developers submit PayForQuery transactions on the network for a fee denominated in $NES.

  • The First Application on Nesa: DNA X describes the first decentralized application on the network, focused on autonomous personality agents on-chain.

  • Definitions provide terminologies and technical definitions of the system

  • Additional Information provides additional details about our technical designs.

The second part of the documentation describes how to use Nesa:

  • Getting Started shows how to set up the wallet and Nesa faucet for the testnet

  • Via Web describes how to interact with Nesa Chain via the web

  • Via SDK describes how to interact with Nesa Chain via the official SDK

  • Via IBC describes how to interact with Nesa Chain via IBC

  • Via Nesa CCI describes how to interact with Nesa Chain via Nesa CCI

The documentation concludes with useful links, including our website, discord, X, etc.

Last updated