
Before running the script to set up your Nesa node, ensure you have the following ready

Operating System Compatibility

Nesa supports the following operating systems:

  • Linux: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Arch Linux, NixOS

  • macOS: Mojave (10.14) and later

  • Windows: Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016 and later

Administrative Rights

You must have administrative (root) access to install necessary software and configure the node.

Checking Administrative Rights

  • Linux: Open a terminal and run:

    sudo -v
  • macOS: Open Terminal and run:

    sudo -v
  • Windows: Open Command Prompt and run:

    net user administrator

Hardware Recommendations

For optimal performance, your system should meet these minimum requirements:

  • CPU: Multi-core processor

  • Memory: Minimum 4GB RAM

  • Storage: At least 50GB of free disk space

  • Network: Stable internet connection

Note: Miner nodes operate optimally with high-performance hardware.


Docker must be installed on your machine to run the Nesa node. Follow the instructions for your operating system to install Docker:

Hugging Face API Token

You need a Hugging Face API token to for complete node configuration. Obtain one by following the instructions here.

Node Moniker

Decide on a unique name (moniker) for your node. This identifier will be used to distinguish your node within the Nesa network.

Node Type Selection

When setting up your Nesa node, you'll need to decide on the type of node you want to run: Validator or Miner. Here's a brief description to help you choose the appropriate one:


  • Role: Validators are responsible for verifying transactions, creating new blocks, and maintaining the security and integrity of the blockchain.

  • Tasks: Participate in the consensus process, validate transactions and blocks, and earn rewards for their services.

  • Requirements: Typically require more computational power and a stable internet connection. In a PoS network, they also stake tokens as collateral.


  • Role: Miners process transactions by solving cryptographic puzzles, which adds new blocks to the blockchain.

  • Tasks: Collect and verify transactions, bundle them into blocks, and earn rewards for successfully adding blocks to the blockchain.

  • Types:

    • Distributed Miner: Joins existing swarms for collaborative mining.

    • Non-Distributed Miner: Operates independently without collaboration.

  • Requirements: Vary depending on whether they are distributed or non-distributed. Both types require good computational power and internet stability.

Install Command

To get started quickly, run the following command to download and execute the setup script:

curl -L | bash

What the Script Does

  1. Set Variables: Initializes variables such as the moniker, working directory, and terminal size.

  2. Check Dependencies: Ensures gum is installed, installing it if necessary.

  3. Configure Node: Prompts you to enter your node moniker and working directory, and select your node type.

  4. Set Up Working Directory: Creates the working directory and clones the necessary repository.

  5. Node Type Configuration:

    • Validator: Guides you through the process of applying as a validator or importing your private key.

    • Miner: Prompts you to choose the type of miner (distributed or non-distributed) and configure accordingly.

After completing the setup, the script boots up your Nesa node using Docker Compose.

Hint: Keep any supplied Private Keys hidden and secure.

By following these steps, you'll have your Nesa node set up and ready to contribute. Welcome to the Nesa network!

Last updated