Selecting an AI Kernel

Choosing the right AI kernel is crucial for your tasks. This guide will help you browse and select the most suitable AI kernel for your needs.

The default navigation of Nesa Website is the Gallery. AI Kernels supported within Nesa Ecosystem are listed here for your choosing, grouped by model type.

In order to navigate to the Gallery, click the Gallery icon on the left-hand navigation page.

Model Types

AI Kernels are grouped by model type, allowing users to efficiently pinpoint the kernel they are interested in. The number of model types available will increase over time as Nesa continues to add support for them. See a non-exhaustive screen capture below.

AI Kernel Selection

Following selection of the desired model type, users have the ability to search and sort within the available kernels.

Some kernels, designated with a badge as a top pick, are highlighted and suggested for use by Nesa Team due to factors such as overall performance.

[Testnet] Some model details, like latency, likes, and cost may not appear consistent.

Following the search and sort process, users may choose their target kernel for inference simply by clicking on it. Upon selection, users will be navigated to the Query page for inference execution with their respective model primed.

Last updated