
Follow this guide to get your node up and running

Step 1: Download and Execute the Setup Script

To get started quickly, run the following command to download and execute the setup script:

curl -L | bash

Step 2: Follow the Script Prompts

The script will guide you through the setup process with the following prompts:

Set Node Moniker

Enter a unique name for your node:

Choose a moniker for your node: [your_moniker]

Select Working Directory

Choose a directory where your node’s data will be stored:

Choose a working directory: [default: $HOME/nesa]

Choose Node Type

Select the type(s) of node you want to set up:

Now, what type(s) of node is your_moniker?
[ ] Validator
[ ] Miner

Validator Setup

If you choose to set up a Validator node, follow the prompts to apply as a validator or import your private key:

Validator's Private Key: [your_private_key]

Note: Ensure this key remains private and in a safe location.

Miner Setup

If you choose to set up a Miner node, follow the prompts to configure the miner type:

Distributed Miner

Join existing swarm or start a new one?
[ ] Join existing swarm
[ ] Start a new swarm

Non-Distributed Miner

Which model would you like to run? (e.g., meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-Chat-Hf)

Step 3: Set Up Working Directory

The script will create and configure the working directory, cloning the necessary repository and setting up Docker Compose.

Step 4: Boot Up Your Node

After configuration, the script will boot up your Nesa node using Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d

Additional Information

  • Docker: Ensure Docker is installed and running on your machine.

  • Dependencies: The script checks for and installs necessary dependencies like gum.

By following these steps, you'll have your Nesa node set up and ready to contribute. Welcome to the Nesa network!

Last updated