Testnet Nesa Faucet

Acquire NES tokens for use on Nesa Testnet Chain

The Nesa Testnet Faucet allows you to obtain test tokens, enabling you to explore and interact with the Nesa network without using real tokens. Testnet tokens are only for experimental purposes and have no real-world value.

Official Nesa Testnet Faucet: https://beta.nesa.ai/faucet

Distribution Amounts & Limits

As of the time of this writing, the faucet distributes NES as follows:

0.005 NES (5K unes): Nesa Account Holder
0.010 NES (10K unes): Nesa Account Holder, with X/Twitter Linked

In order to manage network utilization and fair use, the following request limits are in place:

Max 1 successful request per 24 hours per Nesa Account
60 seconds between requests per Nesa Account

Via Nesa Web

You may use Nesa Web to request faucet tokens. This option is noteworthy for those who would like a rich interface with the option to quickly link their X/Twitter Account.

  1. Visit the Testnet Nesa Faucet Page (URL above)

  2. (Optional) Authenticate your X/Twitter Account to Receive 2X Tokens

  3. Connect Your Wallet

  4. Request Tokens

Upon requesting tokens, Nesa Web will respond with a message indicating the result of your request.

Note: Connecting your wallet automatically populates the "wallet address" input field in order to mitigate typographical errors.

Via Nesa Discord

Nesa provides an alternate route for requesting Testnet NES Tokens within the Nesa Discord. Visit the Testnet Faucet channel and request tokens using the /claim command.

/claim [nesa_wallet_address: string]

Following your request, the Nesa faucet bot will respond with the status of your request.

Note: You must have an active Nesa Account linked to the Discord account that is making the request.

Via Telegram

Coming soon.


If you encounter issues:

  1. Retry Your Request:

    • Wait a few minutes and try your request again, taking note of any error messages returned from your request.

  2. Seek Assistance:

By following these steps, you'll have the test tokens you need to explore and interact with Nesa Chain. Enjoy experimenting on the testnet!

Last updated