Frequently asked questions and answers

Here are some frequently asked questions about running a Nesa node. If you have further questions, feel free to join the Nesa Discord for additional support.

1. What is a moniker, and why do I need one?

A moniker is a unique name for your node. It helps identify your node within the Nesa network and can be chosen during the setup process.

2. What types of nodes can I set up?

You can set up the following types of nodes:

  • Validator: Participates in the consensus process, validating transactions and blocks. Requires more computational power and stability.

  • Miner: Processes transactions and adds blocks to the blockchain. Can be set up as distributed or non-distributed miners.

3. How do I obtain a Hugging Face API token?

To get a Hugging Face API token, follow the instructions here. This token is necessary for interacting with certain Nesa features.

4. Do I need Docker installed to run a Nesa node?

Yes, Docker is required. Follow the installation guide for your operating system:

5. What should I do if the script fails to download or execute?

Ensure you have a stable internet connection and curl installed on your system. Verify curl installation with:

  • Linux/macOS:

    curl --version
  • Windows: Open Command Prompt and run:

    curl --version

If not installed, follow the curl windows home page.

6. How can I check if I have administrative rights?

  • Linux/macOS: Open a terminal and run:

    sudo -v
  • Windows: Open Command Prompt and run:

    net user administrator

By following these FAQs, you should be able to troubleshoot and set up your Nesa node effectively.

Last updated