Via NESBridge

Managed infrastructure for maximum cross-chain compatibility

Register your interest in NESBridge/Nesa CCI Limited Preview program here.


This documentation provides developers with guidance on how to interact with Nesa Chain using NESBridge/Nesa Cross-chain Interactions (CCI) protocol, designed for reliable and secure data exchange between blockchains.


Compatibility with various blockchain protocols and ecosystems is paramount in advancing NESBridge goals. That said, deployment is based on a per-blockchain basis, with priority afforded to EVM-compatible blockchains. See the interest registration form above to submit your blockchain for consideration.

Technical Description

NESBridge is a managed message relayer between third-party blockchains and Nesa Chain, much like those provided by Chainlink and API3, that facilitates AI inference requests originating on third-party blockchains.

Developers interested in executing on-chain inference requests initiate them by calling the chain-specific Nesa CCI relayer contract.

Through a combination of collection, routing, and execution infrastructure, results are posted back to the location specified by the initial request.

For an example contract that performs these requests, visit ExampleNESCCITest on BSC Testnet.

Interacting with NESBridge

[Testnet] Payments for NESBridge inference requests are made in tcciNES, specific to each third-party blockchain.

Getting, Approving tcciNES

Head over to the Nesa Testnet Faucet page and select your third-party blockchain to receive tcciNES. These tokens are blockchain-specific and are charged to accounts submitting inference requests at a 1:1 ratio to NES.

In paying with tcciNES, the relayer contract needs an allowance of equal or greater amount to the lockAmount defined in your NESInferenceRequest's options from wallet.

IERC20(tcciNESContractAddress).approve(cciRelayerAddress, amount);

Submitting an Inference Request

To initiate an inference request, submit a NESInferenceRequest to the INESCCIRelayer instance deployed on your desired blockchain.

Set the wallet property to the address of the wallet holding tcciNES token for payment. Unused tcciNES will be sent to this wallet.

Set the resultHandler property to the address of the contract that will process the result.

See relevant definitions below:

interface INESCCIRelayer {
    function submit(
        NESInferenceRequest memory request
    ) external returns (uint requestId);
struct NESInferenceRequest {
    address wallet;
    string model;
    string content;
    string context;
    NESInferenceRequestQueryHyperParams hyperParams;
    NESInferenceRequestOptions options;
    INESInferenceResultHandler resultHandler;

struct NESInferenceRequestQueryHyperParams {
    uint frequencyPenalty;
    uint presencePenalty;
    uint temperature;
    uint topP;

struct NESInferenceRequestOptions {
    uint lockAmount;

interface INESInferenceResultHandler {
    function nes_handleInferenceResult(
        uint requestId,
        NESInferenceRequest memory request,
        NESInferenceResult memory result
    ) external;

Handling Inference Results

In order to handle the results of an inference request, implement the INESInferenceResultHandler interface referenced above.

The NESInferenceResult struct defines the structure of an inference result:

struct NESInferenceResult {
    NESInferenceResultStatus status;
    uint cost;
    string result;
    uint errorCode;
    string errorMessage;

Following the processing of your inference request, a NESInferenceResult is posted to the resultHandler listed in your original NESInferenceRequest.

Additional Resources

  • Nesa Discord: Join the Nesa Discord for community support and discussion.

  • Nesa Documentation: Explore additional documentation to deepen your understanding of Nesa and its features.

This guide provides an overview of how to interact with NESBridge on third-party blockchains. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out on the Nesa Discord for assistance.

Last updated